Vehicle Plates

Personalized Plate Regulations
What you CAN request on a personalized plate:
  • Letters A-Z (must have at least two letters)
  • Numbers 0 to 9
  • Spaces count as 1 character. Half spaces may be included on a personalized plate but two would be the equivalent to one character
  • Periods (count as 1 space on plate)
  • Hyphens (count as 1 space on plate)
  • Only 6 letters and/or numbers on a motorcycle or mobility impaired personalized plate
What you CANNOT request on a personalized plate:
  • Amateur radio call signs
  • 3 letters followed by 3 numbers or 3 numbers followed by 3 letters
  • Special symbols such as #, @, %, &, etc.
  • Duplicate of active personalized plates
  • No more than 7 letters and/or numbers
  • Ethnic, racial, vulgar, or indecent connotations which may be offensive to good taste and decency
  • A patented logo
  • The number one substituted for the letter I or the number zero for the letter O

  • Personalized plates can be issued to automobiles, trucks up to 10,000 lbs., private buses (motor homes), and motorcycles.
  • Plates are issued on a first come, first served basis. Selections will not be held without paperwork being submitted. Vehicle must be registered in Louisiana prior to performing inquiry.
  • Please be advised, the plate requested may indicate that it is available; however, until you receive an official confirmation from OMV the plate may not be available for purchase. Someone may have requested the same plate prior to your submission of this request.
  • Upon the acceptance of your personalized plate selection, the plate will be held for two weeks to allow time for your paperwork to be received.
  • Certain letter/number combinations may not be deemed acceptable by the Office of Motor Vehicles. Once your application has been received, a committee will review your request and you will be notified of the decision.
  • While every attempt is made to inform you of acceptable possibilities, certain combinations may not be deemed acceptable by the Office of Motor Vehicles. Once your application has been received, a committee will review your request and you will be notified of the decision.